
Jujube: nutrition facts and health benefits

The jujube is a fruit tree once very common in the Mediterranean region. Its tasty fruits, named Chinese dates or jujubes, are rich in vitamins and also have medicinal properties. The genus Ziziphus includes 80...

Elderberry: nutrition facts and health benefits

In addition of being delicious, elderberries are very rich in vitamins A, B6, C and iron. But the most remarkable of this little fruit is that it contains a significant amount of polyphenols. These...

Chokeberry (aronia): nutrition facts and health benefits

The chokeberry is a small bay that is astringent and a little sour raw. (we also called aronia in English, in reference to the birds supposed to choke after ingestion of these berries). This...

Kumquat: nutrition facts and health benefits

The kumquat is the smallest of citrus fruits: its size varies from 2.5 to 5 cm. It looks like a tiny orange. Its flesh is very juicy and divided into quarters. Its skin, very...

Cherry: nutrition facts and health benefits

Cherry is the fruit of the cherry tree. It’s a small round, juicy and fleshy fruit hanging from a rod, and contains a core. It has a red intense color which varies according to...

Lychee: nutrition facts and health benefits

Lychee is a small fruit with a hard and rough peel, pink or red, protecting a white and fragrant flesh with delicate floral flavor. Also called "cherries of China", in reference to their origin,...

Pear: nutrition facts and health benefits

The pear is an oval fruit with slightly convex sides at its base. Its skin, of varying color, evolving from green to yellow with sometimes red traces, covers a somewhat granular, very juicy flesh...
Japanese Medlar

Loquat (Japanese medlar): nutrition facts and health benefits

The medlar of Japan is the fruit of the loquat. It is a small orange fruit with an oval shape, slightly fluffy skin. Its flesh is very juicy, sweet and acidic. Its core is...

Grape: nutrition facts and health benefits

Grape is the fruit of the vine. It’s a climbing plant that grows in all continents in regions where the climate is warm enough. It provides berries grouped in cluster and composed of light...

Persimmon: nutrition facts and health benefits

This tree is native in eastern China; the kaki is the fruit of the persimmon tree. It has the size of a tomato, its skin is orange, and its flesh has a flavor which...