Chinese cabbage: nutrition facts and health benefits
The Chinese cabbage, cousins of our European cabbages, are in the process of conquering Western restaurants thanks to their crunch, their delicate flavour, both raw and cooked, and their ease of cultivation.
The Chinese cabbage...
Calabash: nutrition facts and health benefits
The calabash is a cosmopolitan plant whose traces are found in Thailand, as well as in Mexico and Papua. This annual vine of the family of Cucurbitaceae produces edible calabashes, and upon drying for...
Chicory: nutrition facts and health benefits
The chicory is a plant in the chicory family. It has the same name in English and Japanese, but is called "chic" in Belgium and northern France, and witloof in Flemish.
The history of chicory
Garden cress: nutrition facts and health benefits
Garden cress is an herbaceous plant, of the same family as cabbages, turnips, mustard and arugula: that of the crucifers, hence the spice found in these products. Garden cress has fleshy stems and dark...
Salsify: nutrition facts and health benefits
The salsify, as it is known with its black skin, is actually a scorzonera, a perennial plant whose root resembles the salsify on the taste plane, the skin of the latter being of ivory...
Radish: nutrition facts and health benefits
The pink radish is a white-fleshed root vegetable whose skin color and shape can change. Some varieties have a round root, others an elongated root with colors ranging from pinkish white to scarlet red....
Chard: nutrition facts and health benefits
The chard, bette, or Swiss chard, is a trained garden plant very large leaves smooth or dimpled, ranging from green to red wine. They have a petiole (the coast or the card) large and...
Sweet potato: nutrition facts and health benefits
If the sweet potato is not very present in Western cuisines, it has always been in those of all tropical countries. Native to Central America (where it is called "Camoe"), sweet potato, despite its...
Leek: nutrition facts and health benefits
Leek is a vegetable plant of the family alliums (or Lily), the same as that of garlic, onion etc. Formed of leaves wrapped close to each other, its subterranean part, called white leek, is...
Lettuce: nutrition facts and health benefits
The term lettuce does not designate a variety of salad. It’s the generic name of a series of vegetable plants with generally green leaves eaten raw in "salad" or cooked. A large number of...